Buy Side Passes Confirmation

Important! Do NOT register if you are not buy side.

All buy side passes are carefully vetted and WBR reserve the right to make the final decision on who qualifies for a buy side pass. If you register for a buy side pass and do not qualify as buy side under our criteria, your pass *will* be cancelled and you may not be informed. You will not be able to enter the conference.

‘Buy side’ firms are any end user client who have AUM on their books and do not have any trading clients.

Any firm that has trading clients of their own or trade on behalf of other asset managers - sell side tier 1, 2 and 3 banks, broker dealers, prime brokers, custodians, prime of primes, ETF providers (including asset manager ETF issuers), outsourced trading desks, consultants, fund administrators, technology providers, platforms and venues - do not fall into the definition of a ‘buy side’ firm.

Please go back and select one of our other ticket options if you do not qualify as buy side under our definition.

Buy Side: Confirmation